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The LSAP president ensures good voting at Green and Blue 

The LSAP president ensures good voting at Green and Blue
image credits. wikipedia

ambitions and reality were revised to Franz Fayot’s article from last Saturday (March 9) in Luxembourg. This is for example the case of the Austrian tax on petrol prices, which are known to have fallen so sharply, but that not a single motorist can rise in the first place. The Greens will thank him for being blamed in public. In this context, the LSAP leader writes of SUVs and other dirt trailers, which should be very different, such as cars that produce less CO2 or NOX, and the red coalition partner gives the green advice: THE PUBLIC HAND AGREEMENTS, ABOUT IT, IN THEIR TAX US, ARE IMPOSSIBLE FOR A GREAT POLICY. DThe climate plan, however, would have inevitably missed this. The electoral winner will therefore be told by the electorate and the public: Your policy does nothing!

Franz Fayot did not forget for sure how, at the time, the Minister of the Environment, Lucien Lux, underwent his political strength as a submarine. His LSAP colleague had at the time

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the car tax was very light, voters were horrified: goodbye, and not thank you! Now the Greens are to make it and look after it! In fact, Fayot was not wrong: it was the Greens who had regularly nourished themselves with a decent Easter egg for the past three decades; now as electoral winners they have to meet their own demands, finally our planet is facing climate change shortly before its demise. But the Greens also have not forgotten the experience of Lux and know that with truly green decisions, they can lose all their mandates they contributed in October in one sitting. So, prefer to be met on the spot.


.Also interesting are his considerations, in regard to the current problem of housing. You will once again get the green, but also the mayor along the bakes: State and local authorities would have to intervene in the march, by radical taxation on the real estate winner, by an adapted land tax, a speculation tax, and a price brake (whatever including understanding) and also through a wealth tax.

Fayot, and therefore the LSAP, sat on the left-hand side of the policy – which was also announced. Here, however, the party president shoots very sharply and it remains awake, not to the party to one or the other.

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Point will roll back. Mrs. Polfer is said to have been mayor already, as Thatcher and Reagan were in power in the 1980s, at a time when neoliberalism was in high demand. Within 40 years, Mrs. Polfer would still have the exact reflexes and would put on the self-regulating march. Mrs. Polfer would not regret it!

Conclusion: the red ones are in the process of profiling, wiping their corners and edges. That leads to petty war in the Trinity Coalition. Gambia 2 is definitely something different than Gambia 1!

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