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Severe accusation against Gramegna, who does not move 

Severe accusation against Gramegna, who does not move

5years already a Belgian investor and a large insurance company in Luxembourg are embroiled in a dispute. For the detail, I refer to my article last year It does not hurt the poor, says the citizen Lambda, who has other worries especially in corona times. But be careful. There is also a political component.

It’s about investor protection – a kind of consumer protection for rich people – around 2 civil servants who could possibly be responsible for a crime. The decision is up to the judiciary, which has not yet dealt with the case. The two civil servants are under the tutelage of the Minister of Finance and he should, on the basis of Article 23 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, without delay hesitate to go to the Public Prosecutor for an opinion.

However, Mr Gramegna has not done so to date, although he has three times received a recommended letter – with a copy to the Prime Minister – stating each time he has not complied with the law. A serious accusation! If she wasn’t right the minister could take the scribe of those letters to court for defamation. He could at the same time calmly forward the case to the judiciary, with the certainty that the case would be filed fairly quickly.

the Prime Minister also received a letter from Belgium to draw his attention to the behavior of his Minister of Finance. For the first time on May 22 this year. No reply. Well, it was Corona time. Recall on July 1st, with copy to the Grand Duke and to the entire government. Silence in the woods! And finally, most recently, on October 26 in form of an open letter

gk online
gk online

A heavy accusation that nobody feels the need to oppose?

At the same time, Mrs Bettel and Mr Gramegna knew better. Recently, there was a small dispute between Bettel and Mosar in the Chamber: the CSV representative stated that in the case of the FAGE yoghurt factory, it was his duty to denounce a possible case of money laundering. The law effectively provides that for certain knowledge, one of the three powers must pass on that information to another. So here’s the executive to justice.


… It has a beautiful name: separation of powers!…T

This is the only way democracy can work. Montesquieu wrote as follows: “Because we can not abuse power, we must, by the disposition of things, be able to stop power.”

Is the government trying to hold its breath here? Investor Protection does not seem to be willing to throw the bells at the drum.

A good advertisement for the financial center looks different!

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