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Schëttermarjal: a residence for snakes! 

Schëttermarjal: a residence for snakes!
image credits: Wikipedia

schëttermarjal is a hillside between the Kirchberg and Weimerskierch. Not very big, about 100 meters wide and 300 meters long. Residents of the suburbs like this nature space where the dogs can do their business. Now, a residence should come, as always with the usual protests. Trees and hedges are located there, a number of snakes crawl among the stones. Due to severe environmental impacts, the residence risks being delayed all year long!

Image par P. Schreiner de Pixabay

For many years, the project has been sleeping in the drawers, even from times when the Green still sat on the gear lever at Knuedler. In 2016, there was a big discussion, following the protests of the local stakeholder and the ecological movement. Environment Minister Carole Dieschbourg – also Green! – came to this verdict, which I copy from Wikipedia:

In its answer to a parliamentary question, Environment Minister Carole Dieschbourg initially announced in October 2016 that Schëttermarjal would not be classified as a conservation area, for two reasons: the site would have no special importance at national level, and in general the Ministry of the Environment would not Classify a zone as a nature reserve designated as a land in a PAG [5].

Everything was clear, and the new Schefferot – now blue / black – wanted to do hard nails with bait. Hurt? It tends to make you laugh!

on that hillside was a stone career in the past, and in that biotop a whole number of snakes feel as well, including snakes that are more rare.

Image par Mylene2401 de Pixabay

The animals must now be “moved” expertly and environmentally-friendly to a place where they feel just as comfortable as in the Schutmar marshal. Experts were called, asked for their opinions. Until the animals have moved on, it will probably take a while.

For as long as the hedges that stand there cannot be overlooked, and the regulation states that between March 1 and the end of October, absolutely must not be worked into the hedges. Today we are on the 25th of February …. it remains for the promoter 4 days to deport the bodies, to make the strokes to the soil the same. A thing of the impossible!

so the project will be delayed for another year! On the squat, they are anything but amused and even the promoter will have two thicker bulls in his neck. Is it really not possible, with all due respect for nature, to make a special derogation?! The environment must remain a priority, but also housing construction. The project is being implemented anyway, why not this year?

But with us, it is different from the Chinese: to set up a clinic within 10 days, which is accessible to everyone; a project but for years to come, that’s really an art!

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