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Gaston Vogel and the Charlie Hebdo trial: BESTIAL OBLIVION 

Gaston Vogel and the Charlie Hebdo trial: BESTIAL OBLIVION
image credits:pintarest

The trial currently underway in Paris in the context of the horrific attack on Charlie Hebdo will not hold the attention of public opinion any more than any other trial having its origin in an event which, at the time it took place, had for a few days, taken possession of the small skylights.

Man is so made that he quickly forgets, disconcertingly loses interest in the most serious things.

The pain, if it existed at the beginning, is swept away by the uninterrupted course of new events.

This is one of the major reasons why there will never be a profound ethnic mutation in melius.

I have always been struck by the fact that the Holocaust, the most unimaginable crime ever committed by human beings, ultimately leaves nothing but fickle reactions.

Normally people who intend to restore, even if only partially, the obscene order, villain of the dark years of fascism and Nazism and who refuse to denounce the horrors of Auschwitz, should experience heartbreaks from morning to night, followed by violent movements of revolt.

We let these bastards do it in the name of supposed freedom of opinion and expression.

Some, and there are many, have little emotions when it comes to the regime of gangsterism, chaos and blood, to stay in Antonio Scurati’s terminology of the tyranny of the void.

Let’s finish with these thoughts which are hardly reassuring.

There is the infamous banality that Hannah Arendt spoke of, the unsettling, normal, near, everyday evil of human beings.

But there is, adds Tony Judt in a scathing text published in Le Monde Diplomatique in June 2008 (pp. 22 and 23), another banality: “that of the abusive use – of a weakening effect, desensitizing by dint of seeing, of saying or thinking the same thing too many times, which engulfs our audience and immunizes them from the evil we conjure up.

September 04, 2020.

Gaston VOGEL

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